President Biden MUST do more: E-Mail, CALL & Tweet
Sample script: The situation in Gaza is getting even more concerning. The United States cannot be part of this. Since the United States seems powerless to pressure the Israelis, I urge you to
* Allocate $3 billion to help Palestinians
* Resume UNRWA funding and to the UN food program
* Pressure Egypt to streamline and to allow many more trucks via its border
* UN peacekeepers for organized distribution
Manual calls and emails:
Please (1) Use the WH Form mail and (2) Directly call the White House line.
We have reliable automated tools for Congress, but the White House has made it more difficult. Manually working it is more reliable.
Send an email:
Visit https://whitehouse.gov/contact ; Fill information, write your message, then press “Send”. Then close the Whitehouse tab to come back to this page.
Call the White House
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, between 11am-3pm Eastern
202-456-1111 Usually goes to a comment line, but some have been answered by a person.
Tweet @POTUS #FeedGaza:
Gaza needs more food, pressure Egypt to allow through @POTUS Allocate $3b to Palestine #FeedGaza
The US cant be part of genocidal pogroms @POTUS Allocate $3b to Palestine #FeedGaza
Written letters are powerful:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500