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Stand with the @Harvard students speaking out against injustice in Palestinian occupied territories. #ShameOnHarvard for silencing their voices. #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard is choosing complicity over conscience by punishing students protesting against Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinians. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
It's time for @Harvard to show moral courage and reinstate the degrees of the brave students speaking out against oppression. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Solidarity with the @Harvard students fighting for justice for Palestine. #ShameOnHarvard for penalizing their peaceful protest. #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Stand with the Harvard 13 and demand that @Harvard stand on the right side of history. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard's decision to withhold degrees from the protesting seniors is a violation of their rights to free speech and protest. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Justice for Palestine! The @Harvard students standing up for what is right deserve support, not punishment. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard, the world is watching. It's time to do the right thing and restore the degrees of the brave students advocating for justice in Palestine. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Expel silence, not dissent. @Harvard must reverse its decision to withhold degrees from the courageous 13 students. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
We stand with the Harvard students taking a stand against injustice in Palestine. @Harvard must reverse its harmful decision. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Punishing students for advocating for Palestinian rights is unjust and unacceptable. @Harvard, the world is calling on you to do better. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard must prioritize moral leadership over political silencing. Restore the degrees of the students protesting for Palestine. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
It's time for @Harvard to stand with its students fighting for justice, not against them. #ShameOnHarvard for penalizing peaceful protest. #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
The Harvard 13 are champions of human rights, not criminals. Stand with them and demand justice from @Harvard. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Let's make some noise for the Harvard students standing up for what's right. @Harvard, listen to their voices and restore their degrees. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
The world must not turn a blind eye to Israel's genocide of Palestinians. @Harvard has a responsibility to stand against this injustice. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinians cannot go unchallenged. @Harvard, why are you punishing those who speak out against this oppression? #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard's decision to withhold degrees is a form of complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Stand up for justice, not silence. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
The plight of Palestinians cannot be ignored. Harvard's action against the protesting students only serves to perpetuate the violence. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
It's time for @Harvard to acknowledge and condemn Israel's crimes against humanity. Stand with the Harvard students fighting for Palestinian rights. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Palestine deserves justice and freedom. @Harvard should support those advocating for peace, not punish them. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
The crimes committed against Palestinians demand action, not silence. @Harvard, do the right thing and restore the degrees of the protesting students. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Silence in the face of Israel's atrocities is unacceptable. @Harvard must stand on the side of justice and restore the degrees of the brave students. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
The @Harvard students protesting against Israel's genocide of Palestinians are on the right side of history. It's time for Harvard to join them. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Denouncing Israel's human rights abuses is not anti-Semitism, it's standing up for humanity. @Harvard, support those speaking out for justice. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard's decision to punish the students protesting Israel's violence is a betrayal of its own values of fairness and justice. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
.@Harvard's action against the protesting seniors echoes complicity in Israel's unjust treatment of Palestinians. It's time for change. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Palestine is not forgotten. @Harvard must reverse its decision and recognize the voices of those calling attention to Israel's atrocities. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Palestinian rights are human rights. @Harvard must stand up for the oppressed and reinstate the degrees of the protesting students. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X
Justice delayed is justice denied. @Harvard, support the fight against Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Restore the degrees of the brave students. #ShameOnHarvard #RestoreHarvard13 Share on X

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