In December 2024, a Justice For All delegation visited the Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s…

Burma Task Force Action Alert : Rohingya Must Be Allowed To Vote
Rohingya must be allowed to vote
Elections in Burma will be held in November 2020. 600,000 Rohingyas who are still in Burma are forbidden to vote and are prevented from holding public office. The worst part is that several strong civil society leaders who call for election reform, fail to include the Rohingya.
Contact Derek Mitchell, former Ambassador to Burma, current President of National Democratic Institute and ask him to use its convening power and advocate on behalf of Rohingya.
@AmbDMitchell and
For those of you on Twitter, contact Cardinal Bo, the head of the Catholic community in Burma. He has asked that monks and religious leaders get the right to vote in the 2020 elections. His proposal MUST include voting rights for Rohingya, both in country and those who are refugees abroad.
Please contact: @CardinalMaungBo and
Please send the following message to Ko Htoo Chitt, Director of Foundation for Education and Development who has been trying to get voting rights for ethnic migrants from Burma working in Thailand:
Thank you for trying to obtain voting rights for migrants from Burma. Please remember to include Rohingya migrants and refugees as well! For a genuine democracy, all people born in Burma deserve voting rights regardless of religion or ethnicity.
Contact: and