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ACTION ALERT: Stop the Life-Threatening Attacks on Peaceful Water Protectors

Thanksgiving is only a few days away. It is a day that many Native Americans mark as the starting point of the genocide against them; persecution that continues today.

Imagine: the graveyards of generations of your forefathers was desecrated to satisfy the greed of a rich few who wish to destroy it and build a pipeline over your land. This is the threat that Native American nations at Standing Rock, North Dakota are facing down.

The Muslim American community and interfaith partners have answered their call, joining the Native peoples in solidarity to protect their sacred land.

In the past week the Native American water protectors at StandingRock, North Dakota were viciously attacked by the Morton County Sheriff department. Police fired rubber-bullets, injuring peaceful protestors and doused them with water cannons, tear gas, concussion grenades and deafening sonic noise for hours.

Hundreds were injured during the attacks, one elderly protector went into cardiac arrest and several had their flesh torn apart by rubber bullets, including one whose face was injured.

Lives are being threatened simply for peacefully assembling and protecting the water that we all need to sustain life.


  • Morton County Sheriff’s office: Demand they end these life-threatening attacks on peaceful unarmed protectors immediately! Morton County Sheriff’s office phone number: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330.
  • Army Corps of Engineers: Tell them that it is their duty to pull the permits for the Dakota Access pipeline immediately. Army Corps of Engineers phone numbers: Main: 202-761-0011, press 9. Regulatory (permits) office: 202-761-5903.
  • Department of Justice: Tell them to investigate the serious human and civil rights that were violated by the Morton County Sheriff department and charge them. Department of Justice phone numbers: Main: 202-514-2000, press 0. Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555

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