INDIA: VOLUNTEER by clicking here
The Indian state of Karnataka has passed a directive asking government schools and colleges to disallow hijab. While Sikh students can wear their turbans, and Hindus can wear religious symbols, the directive is squarely at Muslim girls. They have been allowed until recently to wear the hijab and attend school. India is focused under the RSS/BJP governments to ban all Muslim symbols, attires, and make it difficult for Muslims, who are the primary target as the RSS/BJP work towards their goal of a Hindu Rashtra.
Our work here must focus on the United States’ & Canada’s commitment to Religious Freedoms. In collaboration with partners and official agencies such as USCIRF, we must get the United States/Canadian administrations to take concrete steps to reverse discriminatory laws, practices and directives in India. We must also work all official channels at the United Nations for our Indian Muslim brothers & sisters.
2 Month Action Plan: Hijab Rights are Human Rights

Whenever I
am scared I say
and it gives me
Muskan Khan
The 19 Year old
student blocked
from school by
anti-Muslim Nazis
Actions items: What you can do now
- Feb 12: Launch Petition to the UN Secretary General: Target 500,000 signature
- Feb 1-March 8: Educate your elected leaders: Visit congressperson offices this week. We will provide you 3 tools to do that. Email at
- Feb 14: Twitter push for US Sec. of State to speak up. 11 AM EST Repeat Mondays
- Feb 15: Use our calling tool now to call your congressperson asking US Sec of State to speak up: please develop the tool:
- Feb 16: Twitter campaign pushing the UN secretary to speak up for Indian women as he speaks up for Afghan women. 11 AM EST: Repeat every Wednesday
- Feb 19: World Wide Marches for Hijab Rights
- Feb 21: Petition launched for President Biden on White House website for him to speak up for Hijab Rights as Human Rights
- Feb 26-March 1: Genocide Conference
- March 12: This March, March For Hijab: March on Indian embassy: 11 AM EST
Learn to Win: It is a long term struggle. So Let’s Learn to do it right.
- Feb 15: Twitter 101 training: 11 AM EST
- Feb 16: Congressional outreach training: 11 AM EST
- Mar 6-April 17: NextGen Training: Register now:
- Feb 17: Zikr and dua for sisters in India: 11 AM
- Feb 19: Committee to explore alternate education options for Muslim girls
- Every Salat: Make dua for sisters struggling in India and around the world
There are many other actions which are not listed here. If you can spare 5 hours a day, we can use your time. Do it today. May God bless you with more:
- Feb 15, 11C/12noon Eastern: TWITTER 101 Teach-in CLICK HERE to register
- Learn how to tweet
- Follow us @SaveIndiaOrg @JFAOrg
- Retweet our material
- Feb 16, 11am: Congressional Outreach Training. CLICK HERE to register
- Make an effective outreach team
- Using our leave-behind materials
- Staying in control of narrative
- Mar. 6: NextGen Training CLICK HERE to register
- A very comprehensive training on leadership, writing, speaking and many other important skills.
Read Justice For All Statement:
Statement on India’s Karnataka state barring hijab wearing students