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Call & Tweet at Congress/ State Department to Save India From Fascism

We have just a few days left before the State Department’s deadline to accept or reject USCIRF’s recommendation to designate India as a country of particular concern CPC for persecution of Muslims, Christians and other minorities.

1. Make calls now using this tool

2. Sign Up for Advocacy Days here.

3. Tweet at Your Congressperson and Senator


India is guilty of egregious human rights atrocities against minorities & needs to be held accountable. @StateDept list India as a #CPCIndia per @USCIRF rec Share on X Peaceful anti-CAA protestors have been arrested and held indefinitely under false charges and charged under draconian laws. @StateDept list India as #CPCIndia per @USCIRF rec Share on X UN special rapp. on minorities:“India’s new citizenship law is discriminatory & there is danger that millions in minority groups will be denied citizenship”@StateDept please list India as a “country of particular concern” 4 religious… Share on X CAA violates India’s international obligations to prevent deprivation of citizenship on the basis of race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin. The CAA is in clear violation of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights… Share on X Modi’s India has taken a disturbing slide towards a Hindu majoritarian society. This is in stark contrast to the founding principles of India. India should be listed as a #CPC @StateDept per @USCIRF rec Share on X .@USCIRF report rec India as a country of particular concern #CPCindia:”The national gvt allowed violence against minorities & houses of worship to continue with impunity & also engaged in & tolerated hate speech & incitement to… Share on X Modi’s govt has enacted discriminatory laws like Citizenship Amendment Act(CAA) & National Register of Citizens(NRC).The CAA threatens constitutional foundation of a secular nation by linking the right to citizenship to religious ID… Share on X Call Congress and ask your representatives to urge the State Dept to accept USCIRF’s recommendation to designate India as a country of particular concern for its persecution of religious minorities #CPCIndia… Share on X USCIRF has recommended that India be recognized as a country of particular concern #CPCIndia @StateDept report on religious freedom lists several instances of attacks on minorities. India must be listed as #CPC per @USCIRF Share on X The US Comm on International Religious Freedom @USCIRF has recommended that India be recognized as a country of particular concern #CPCIndia @StateDept report on religious freedom lists several instances of attacks on minorities. India must be… Share on X India’s ruling party #BJP, incites animus towards Muslims & other religious minorities through its harmful rhetoric. #fascism @StateDept India should be listed as #CPCIndia @USCIRF for violations against religious freedoms Share on X The ruling BJP’s Hindutva ideology is based on Hindu supremacy in stark contrast to the ideals enshrined in India’s constitution & international human rights norms.Minorities such as Muslims,Christians & Dalits have been relegated to… Share on X Through its discriminatory policies/laws, the BJP hopes to rid India of its religious minorities, & create a pure Hindu state. Muslims and other minorities have been marginalized. Hindutva = fascism India should be listed as #CPC @StateDept Share on X India’s ruling party’s ideology is based on Hindutva or Hindu nationalism. Hindutva is rooted in Nazi fascism.#SaveIndiafromFascism @StateDept India should be listed as a “country of particular concern” #CPC per @USCIRF rec for persecution of… Share on X The Indian constitution is a secular one that enshrines equality for all its people, irrespective of religion.The CAA violates the right to equality enshrined in India’s constitution,by making religion a criteria for citizenship.@StateDept plz… Share on X India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is meant to provide refuge to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries, BUT excludes Muslims. India should be listed as a #CPC @StateDept Share on X Peaceful anti-CAA protestors have been arrested and held indefinitely under false charges and charged under draconian laws. @StateDept list India as #CPC per @USCIRF rec Share on X Modi’s fascist government’s hateful rhetoric is the driving force behind attacks against minorities. Mob violence & beef lynching are some of the ways minorities fall victim to #BJP’s hateful agenda.@StateDept India must be listed as a #CPC @USCIRF Share on X India is guilty of egregious human rights atrocities against minorities & needs to be held accountable. @StateDept list India as a #CPC per @USCIRF rec Share on X Call Congress and the @State Dept to ask that they accept @USCIRF’s recommendation to designate India as a country of particular concern for lack of religious freedom and persecution of minorities #CPC Share on X Over 100,000 Hindu and Christian Sri Lankan Tamil minorities living in refugee camp in India for over 3 decades excluded in CAA. Is CAA really for persecuted minorities? @StateDept @USCIRF @Modi Share on X Central and Delhi government suppressing the issues and injustice done on minority Muslims by not letting them have a leader to speak out for them. @StateDept list India as #CPC per @USCIRF rec… Share on X .@StateDept We urge you to place #India on the #CPC list per @USCIRF recommendations. We CANNOT remain silent any longer! #SaveIndia Share on X Indian court calls out malice for charges made against the Muslim foreigners (Tablighi Jamaat) congregation as a political Islamophobic propaganda run by the media to scare Muslims to stop protesting against CAA. @stateDept @USCIRF @modi… Share on X India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is meant to provide refuge to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries, BUT excludes Muslims. India should be listed as a #CPC @StateDept Share on X There have been countless hateful attacks on Muslims and Christians. The perpetrators are not held liable and escape with impunity. @StateDept list India as #CPCIndia as per @USCIRF Share on X India should take immediate steps to protect basic human rights by releasing political detainees, upholding free speech, allowing fair hearings, withdraw cases against journalists & activists, & hold officials responsible for HR violations… Share on X




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