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Statement on India’s mention in 2023 State Dept. Report on International Religious Freedom

June 27, 2024,

Justice For All welcomes Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s comments spoken at Wednesday’s release of his department’s 2023 report on International Religious Freedoms. Blinken expressed concern about the rise of anti-conversion laws and hate speech in India.

The Secretary of State said, “In India we see a concerning increase in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, demolitions of homes and places of worship for members of minority faith communities.”

Justice For All has observed that even after the recent formation of Narendra Modi’s new government, attacks on minorities have continued unabated.  This signals that assaults against the country’s Muslim, Christian and other minority groups may continue in Modi’s third term.

Justice For All recommends that the State Department accept the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom’s recommendations that India be designated as a Country of Particular Concern.  We further recommend that religious and human rights experts be involved with trade negotiations with India.  Trade must be based on improvements in India’s human rights treatment of its religious minorities.  The United States cannot afford to coddle India as a bulwark against China.  The United States should use its influence to correct India’s slide towards an authoritarian majoritarian country.

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