Write To Congress: Do Not Attend Modi Joint Session
Dear [recipient name will go here],
I am a constituent and I am asking you to NOT ATTEND any session in the US Congress that is addressed by India’s PM Modi. It is with deep dismay that I learned of India’s Prime Minister being invited to address a joint session of Congress. He doesn’t deserve the honor for the following reasons
His Role in Gujarat Pogrom of 2002; confirmed by the BBC, 2023:
A recent documentary by the British Broadcasting Corporation highlighted Modi’s responsibility in the carnage, by his allowing Hindu mobs a free hand in killing Muslims in Gujarat. The United States had imposed a ban on Modi due to the violence that occurred under his leadership.
India bans the documentary, and attacks the BBC!
121 CHURCHES destroyed in 2023:
The Indian State of Manipur has seen violence against Christians. The Churachandpur Council of Churches has documented 121 churches destroyed by mid-May, and there are reports of many more since then. The state is run by Modi’s political party, the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Modi signals a silent approval!
Nazification of India, post 2014:
Modi and his party follow the Nazi playbook to transform India into a Hindu majoritarian nation. Organizations such as
Freedom House,
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Early Warning project,
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom,
US State Department,
as well as human rights agencies such as
Human Rights Watch,
Amnesty International,
Indian American Muslim Council,
Federation of Indian Christian Organizations of North America,
Hindus for Human Rights,
Justice For All, and many others
have documented the erosion of democratic values, repression of reporters and human rights defenders, and ongoing marginalization and attacks against Muslims, Christians and Sikhs in India.
India is now considered an “Electoral Autocracy”
Please DO NOT ATTEND any session addressed by Modi.
[your name will go here]
[your location will go here]