For Immediate Release Justice For All March 14, 2025 To the News Editors and…

Act on Henry Payne’s Rep. Tlaib cartoon

This cartoon was created by Henry Payne, a columnist with the Detroit News. If Rep Rashida Tlaib is targeted for her being Palestinian and a Muslim, who is safe? Just this week, the only Muslim witness about hate in a Senate hearing faced Islamophobia by Senator Kennedy.
Palestinians face genocide. I wonder if American cartoonists were making these types of cartoons during holocaust. I request each one of you to respond:
1) Write to The Detroit News: Click here for their form mail
a) Fill out your information
b) Subject: Disassociate immediately from Henry Payne
c) Body:
Dear Editor: The cartoon at is a call for an attack on Rep. Rasida Tlaib. It is Islamophobic, hateful, and by extension also disregards illegal attacks by Israel, and its expansion, annexation and occupation of Palestinian lands. I ask that The Detroit News immediately issue a statement distancing itself from Mr. Payne, and to not use him as a columnist at the media outlet.
Thank you.
2) X post Henry Payne and Detroit News:
Thank you @metrotimes for drawing attention to this dangerous, disgustingly bigoted cartoon by Henry Payne @detroitnews should disassociate
3) Email Henry Payne & The National Review: Use the form below
Ref page for cartoon: