Recommendations for the United Nations
- Appoint a Special Rapporteur for India
- Enlarge the Office for Genocide Prevention and task them to recommend preventive mechanisms
- Build greater support for human rights mechanisms in Geneva and New York
- Ensure that the Nazification of India challenge is prioritized for the Secretary General
- Ask the Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom to address the issue of religious freedom for Muslim minorities
- Ask UN Women to take up the cause of minority women in India
- Engage the Security Council as far as possible, through resolutions, press statements or Arria Formula meetings
Recommendations for the United States Government
- Accept the USCIRF’s recommendations to designate India as a Country of Particular Concern and place sanctions against those individual responsible for violence against minorities.
- Use the Global Magnitsky Act to sanction the officers who torture and fail to protect, as well as those monks who are openly calling for genocide and soliciting suicide bombers.
- Establish a Special Envoy office at the State Department to track and combat Islamophobia globally.
- Create a rapid response team led by human rights experts at the US Embassy in India to respond to and investigate attacks against religious minorities by visiting the affected areas, speaking to the victims, their families, and witnesses, and then reporting their findings directly to the United States Ambassador to India.
- Include an expert on Indian Human Rights at any diplomatic and trade negotiation meetings with India.
- Prevent fund transfer from USA to Hindutva groups in India.
Recommendations for the Canadian Government
- The Prime Minister’s office should publicly condemn India’s human rights violations against minorities in India and calls for genocide against Indian Muslims by RSS and Hindutva leaders.
- Use the Canadian Magnitsky Act to sanction the officers who torture and fail to protect, as well as those monks openly calling for genocide and soliciting suicide bombers.
- Include an expert on Indian Human Rights at any diplomatic and trade negotiation meetings with India.
- Prevent fund transfer from Canada to Hindutva groups in India.
Recommendation for Human Rights Organizations
- Dedicate resources to cover the situation of minority rights in India
- Work with Indian civil society to understand the legal architecture of repression, and help to dismantle it
- Educate global media
Recommendations for Genocide Researchers
- Issue quarterly reports on the India’s march toward genocide
- The International Association of Genocide Scholars must issue their informed opinion on India
Recommendations for Synagogues and Churches
- Share this report with congregants.
- Organize an educational panel or program on the Nazification of India.
- Closely follow the Holocaust Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide’s Early Warning Project[170]: it lists India at risk for mass killings.
- Advocate for governmental and business actions to counter India’s human rights abuses
Recommendations for Mosques
- Share this report with congregation
- Share it with interfaith partners
- Organize an educational panel or program on the Nazification of India
[170] Country – India | Early Warning Project https://earlywarningproject.ushmm.org/countries/india (accessed 2022-1-24)