Arming of the Nazis
After World War 1, Germany was limited in the numbers of weapons it could make; Hitler wanted to build bigger weapons. These were intended to compensate for Germany’s lack of numbers[132] in comparison with the allied powers. Some examples of the super weaponry that Germany made were the Bismarck class battleships and the V-3 multi-charge cannon. The birth of ballistic missiles, the V2 rocket, and even the abandoned development of a 1000-ton super-tank named Ratte point to the Nazi obsession with megaweapons. Some of these engineering feats sparked technological revolutions and changed warfare forever.
Arming of India and the BJP-RSS Machine
Gone are the days when Gandhi preached non-violence to the world. The RSS, the party of Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse, now controls the narrative in India. While for propaganda BJP-RSS regime builds statues of Gandhi abroad, at home, Modi leads a transformation away from Gandhi’s teachings of non-violence.

Modi Worshipping Guns: Prime Minister Modi is officially photographed worshipping weapons as the ritual of “Shastra Pujan.” Several of his weapon worshipping photographs are available on his own website.
The Private Hindu Armies: The RSS itself is a paramilitary organization that conducts trainings in 50,000 locations on a daily basis. RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat claims that RSS has the ability to prepare an army within three days[133] if needed. The term army is very popular in the BJP-RSS machine. Several RSS-affiliated groups have their own militias named as armies. They use Hindi terms for army: Sena, (for example Sri Ram Sena), Dal (for example Bajrang Dal), or Vahini (like Durga Vahini). One Hindu extremist who tends to be less secretive than the broader RSS, Yati Narsinghanand, claims to have 50 training centers for his Hindu army.
Indian Arms Build Up: India in 2021 spent $76.6 billion on defense, higher than Russia, France, or Germany. India is the second largest arms importer in the world. The BJP-RSS regime emphasizes military power. India first tested a nuclear device in 1974, ironically codenaming it “Smiling Buddha.” Since the BJP-RSS regime came to

power India is focused on expanding and modernizing its nuclear arsenal, broadening its variety of nuclear weapons and increasing its number of delivery systems.