A ghetto is an area of a city inhabited by certain sections of society, identified by race, religious affiliation, economic or social status. The term originates in Venice, which required Jews to live in a specific area beginning in 1516.
Jewish Ghettos in Germany
After Nazi Germany’s take over of Poland, Jews were forced by the German authorities to move into specific and designated areas of cities. This provided a means for the Germans to separate Jews from the rest of the population. Families were forced to vacate their homes and leave much of their belongings as they were moved into ghettos.
Food shortages, cramped living conditions, and the anxiety of either being forced into labor in Nazi factories or being taken to concentration camps became part of daily life in the ghettos. The Nazis deported Jews from ghettos[157] to extermination camps under the pretext of “resettlement.” A smaller percentage were sent to labor camps or concentration camps.
Muslim Ghettos in India

India’s ghettoization follows a model that is prevalent in the BJP-RSS regime’s majoritarianism. While not forced out directly, Muslims are often denied rental properties in upscale areas of cities. In many cases, renters advertise that Muslims should not apply[158]. The same is true in sales of homes or property, where Muslims are denied access on various grounds. Often a developer flatly refuses to sell to Muslims. In the state of Gujarat, there are laws which ensure that. Often a pogrom of Muslims results in Muslims losing their houses and running to safer neighborhoods where other poor Muslims are living[159]. The result is that Muslims are slowly being forced to live in certain specific areas of cities[160].
As the BJP-RSS regime in India continues its path to Hinduization of the country, these Muslim enclaves make Muslims into easier targets, surrounded by and dependent on the majority Hindu population.
[157] Ghettos; https://www.ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/ghettos (accessed 2022-03-25)
[158] Muslims not allowed; https://www.cnbctv18.com/views/muslims-not-allowed-the-stereotypes-of-mumbais-rental-property-market-6970051.htm (accessed 2022-03-25)
[159] How Muslim ghettos came about in Delhi; https://indianexpress.com/article/india/muslim-ghettos-of-delhi-6297633/ (accessed 2022-03-25)
[160] In India’s Largest Muslim Ghetto; https://viewsweek.com/in-indias-largest-muslim-ghetto/ (accessed 2022-03-25)