A Yearning For Past Glory by Nazis and the BJP-RSS Regime
Nazis Looking to Restore German Pride
A common thread seen in Nazi Germany as well as in India is a longing for the restoration of a supposed lost glory. In Germany, this was directly a result of their humiliating defeat in World War 1 as well as the Treaty of Versailles[92].
Public discontent with the treaty created an opportunity for the young nationalistic Nazi party to use it to their benefit. Nazis spoke of the humiliation of Germany and the need to regain its lost strength. The loyalty of Jews was brought into question, and the environment was primed for the persecutions that followed.
The BJP-RSS Quest for India’s Old Glory
India’s militant nationalists have a perceived glory based on mythology and stories from epics such as the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, which they present as fact or evidence of India’s glorious past.

Modi’s proof of genetic engineering and plastic surgery: In Oct. 2014, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to the warrior Karna from the Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata, as well as to Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god. He said, “We all read about Karna in the Mahabharata. If we think a little more, we realise that the Mahabharata says Karna was not born from his mother’s womb. This means that genetic science was present at that time. That is why Karna could be born outside his mother’s womb.”
Modi continues: “We worship Lord Ganesha. There must have been some plastic surgeon at the time who got an elephant’s head on the body of a human being[93] and began the practice of plastic surgery.”
The Claims of Indian Science Congress: In 2015, at a conference of the Indian Science Congress in Mumbai, Captain Anand J. Bodas, associated with a pilot training facility, claimed that world’s first plane was invented by the Hindu sage Maharishi Bharadwaj. He went on to claim that it had 40 small engines and a flexible exhaust system that modern planes cannot replicate.
At the same conference, India’s Minister of Science and Technology Harsh Vardhan made another claim, saying that ancient Indian mathematicians had discovered the Pythagorean theorem[94] but that the Greeks got the credit.
Many scientists, appalled by the wild claims made at the conference, signed an online petition against using the scientific conference to propagate pseudo-science[95].

Cow urine & cow dung as cure for all Indian extremists refer to the use of cow urine and dung as medicines in ancient India, and the efficacy in treatment of various ailments in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine. The cow is revered by Hindus as a mother god. Since the BJP-RSS regime came to power in India with Prime Minister Modi, there has been a renewed push of cow urine and dung based products.
A number of journals have also begun publishing research reports on the benefits of cow urine. Some of these make wild claims while offering little or no scientific basis[96]. Cow urine is claimed to be a divine medicine and effective for[97] treatment of diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, and gynaecological problems.
The cow is pre-supposed to be unique in their studies because of its divinity in the sight of Hindus. Some of this research is now making its way into American and European institutions[98]. In almost every case, the primary investigator is a person of Indian Hindu origin[99].
Believers often take cow urine as a drink, or immerse themselves in a bath of cow dung and water in the belief of its therapeutic properties. Cow urine drinking parties were held in a bid to ward off the Coronavirus[101].

On the left is a screen shot of an Indian news website about a session judge S.V. Vyas in the district court of Tapi, Gujarat. In his order giving life term imprisonment to the accused Mohammad Ameen for illegally transporting cattle from the state to Maharashtra, he wrote on the Hindutva science myths that cow dung[1] can protect from nuclear radiation. The new report is of January 23, 2023. However, the judges order is from November 2022.1 Indian Judiciary is increasingly compromised by Hindutva ideology and the BJP-RSS regime[2].
[1] https://theprint.in/judiciary/cow-dung-protects-from-nu-clear-radiation-gujarat-court-hearing-illegal-cattle-trans-port-case/1329663
[2] https://hindutvawatch.org/hindutva-terror-acquittals-expose-in-dias-deeply-compromised-criminal-justice-system/
[94] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/01/04/indians-invented-planes-7000-years-ago-and-other-startling-claims-at-the-science-congress/ (accessed 2022-04-12)
[95] https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/cover-story/Pseudo-science-must-not-figure-in-Indian-Science-Congress/articleshow/45698353.cms (accessed 2022-04-12)
[96] https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/4267 (accessed 2022-04-12)
[97] https://www.cowurine.com/science/Multiple-Benefits (accessed 2022-04-12)
[98] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8239506/ (accessed 2022-04-12)
[99] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/ (accessed 2022-04-12)
[100] https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3134352/cow-dung-cocktails-why-india-cant-get-enough-quack (accessed 2022-04-12)
[101] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-india-cow-urine-pa/hindu-group-offers-cow-urine-in-a-bid-to-ward-offcoronavirus-idUSKBN2110D5 (accessed 2022-04-12)