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Rohingya Leaders And Allies Group Letter On The Death Of Mohibullah
29 September 2021
Together we stand together in solidarity to deplore today’s murder of Rohingya leader Mohibullah and urges Bangladesh to conduct a credible investigation into these tragic events. International community organizations should also work to advocate for refugee camp security that protects all Rohingya from such violence. It is crucial to closely monitor the investigation into these tragic events.
All of us are shocked and grieve at this loss. How could this killing have happened in a camp that is closed with barbed wire fences?
Some of us may question whether the investigation into this murder will be fair and effective. We are not fully convinced by previous investigations, for example into previous security incidents like the deadly fires that destroyed hundreds of homes in the camps. We urge international partners in Bangladesh to engage with the local authorities and independently assess the quality of the investigations.
Rohingya leaders and allies call for more effective security measures but also a greater engagement and empowerment of Rohingya leaders, who should be seen as partners for the local authorities. Conditions in these refugee camps are far too restrictive, denying 600,000 children access to education and cutting back the few paid jobs that Rohingya can obtain in the camps. This situation must change. The Rohingya are already traumatized and treating these refugees as prisoners adds another layer to their suffering.
We express sympathy for the loved ones and solidarity with everyone in the Rohingya community. This is an opportunity to come together in unity and work for the ideas for which Br Mohibullah stood for.
Nasir Zakaria
Executive Director
Rohingya Cultural Center
Shwe Maung
Arakan Institute of Peace and Human Rights (AiPAH)
Sharifah Shakirah
Rohingya Women Development Network-RWDN
Saifullah Muhammad
Executive Director,
Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative (CRDI)
Shaukhat Kyaw Soe Aung (aka) MSK Jilani
Executive Director
Rohingya American Society (RAS)
Raees Tinmaungou
Founder, Board Chair
Rohingya Human Rights Network
Robert McCaw
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) / CAIR of Government Affairs Department
Zafar Ahmad
President, Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia
Karim Washington
Rohingya Advocate, Justice For All
Younus Hassan
President, Save Rohingya World-wide (SRWW)
Nay San Lwin
Cofounder, Free Rohingya Coalition
In solidarity:
Kachin National Organization USA
Karen Organization of America
Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy (GM4MD)
US Campaign for Burma
Burma Task Force
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) / CAIR of Government Affairs Department
Shama Bano, MCC