Calls for Justice, Reparations and Continued Vigilance Against Modern Forms of Enslavement and Persecution March…

Justice For All Statement On Organ Harvesting By CCP
Justice For All stands in solidarity with international efforts to put an end to the unethical and unlawful harvesting of organs by the Chinese government as part of their ongoing genocide against the Uyghur people.
Justice For All has been appalled by the findings of the China Tribunal headed by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, which include clear crimes against humanity and violations of international laws and protocols on organ donation.
The Chinese Government is blatantly violating the World Health Organisation’s “Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation”, as well as the Istanbul Declaration on Organ Trafficking.
Justice For All has read in horror reports of Uyghur organs being marketed as “halal” organ transplantation in the Gulf countries and condemns any nation, corporation, or individual who funds, aids, or assists the genocidal organ harvesting practices of the Chinese government.
Justice For All calls upon the international community, especially the medical community, to condemn the organ harvesting and trafficking practices of the Chinese government and to sanction the relevant authorities.
We demand that the Chinese Government allows an independent and transparent investigation commission to ensure that these practices have ceased.
Justice For All will continue to advocate for greater international pressure and solidarity to be an end to these cruel and inhumane practices and will continue to support the work being done by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China.
Justice For All is an NGO with Consultative Status at the United Nations (DPI), based in Chicago, with staff in Washington DC, New York, Boston, Texas, and other locations. With 25 + years of anti-genocide work, our mission is to advocate for persecuted minorities, with current programs working on behalf of the Rohingya, the Uyghur, and the Muslim minorities of India and Sri Lanka. We seek to promote a culture of human rights and promote grassroots empowerment.