10 Things You Can Do For Burma
United States
- Call The White House and US State Department and urge them not to forget the importance of a Genocide determination for Rohingya.
- Support Senate Bill 35.
- Call your Senators and Congressperson to pass new legislation, including strong sanctions against Burmese military business interests
- Sign up for Burma Advocacy Days
- Boycott companies that do business with Burmese military owned companies
- Build alliances with local Burmese, to help them to strengthen religious coexistence and to restore democracy in their country
- Organize panels, presentations and fundraisers– support is needed!
- Inform and engage your local house of worship, masjid or community center- share resources from our website
- Volunteer to translate our materials
- Use social media to amplify news stories
Justice is for all, not only for “our” communities. Think globally, and put human rights values into action!