Washington, D.C. — March 19, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…

Justice For All Heralds The Uyghur Genocide Determination By U.S. Government
Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign heralds the determination by the U.S. State Department of genocide and crimes against humanity. This is a call that our organization has been making for several years. The United States is the first country in the world to recognize this.
This designation of genocide is crucial in ending the Chinese government’s horrific, longstanding atrocities against Uyghurs, which includes running the largest concentration camps since the Nazis.
“This declaration by the US State Department that China has committed genocide against Uyghurs is a true example of saying what it is, Genocide. We hope that the coming administration will build on this declaration by ensuring that trade with China is not at the cost of human rights,” stated Malik Mujahid, Chair of Save Uyghur Campaign and founder of Justice For All.
“This genocide determination must be a wake up call for the world. We urge governments across the world to disengage from Chinese Communits Party (CCP) and stop this continued oppression of Uyghur and Turkic Muslims,” said Serwi Huseyin, Team lead for the Save Uyghur Campaign. Justice For All released a widely distributed report in the Uyghur Genocide in 2020 and has been at the forefront of this advocacy.
The US Government has found the actions of the CCP “morally repugnant” and find the policies, practices, and abuses “designed systematically to discriminate against and surveil ethnic Uyghurs as a unique demographic and ethnic group, restrict their freedom to travel, emigrate, and attend schools, and deny other basic human rights of assembly, speech, and worship. PRC authorities have conducted forced sterilizations and abortions on Uyghur women, coerced them to marry non-Uyghurs, and separated Uyghur children from their families.”
Hena Zuberi, Director of Justice For All, stated “We ask for a UN investigation into this genocide determination as soon as possible. China has stalled investigations in the past, but international pressure should be brought on China to stop their extermination of the Uyghur population.”
The Save Uyghur Campaign reinstates the call by the World Uyghur Congress to the United Nations to call a special session on China’s atrocities against Uyghurs and other Turkic People.
Justice For All is an international human rights organization with Consultative Status at the United Nations.