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Statement: Humanitarian Crisis in Rohingya Camps, Cox’s Bazar

Justice For All is deeply concerned about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. According to our field staff, the seasonal monsoon rains have once again caused significant devastation, leading to landslides and flooding that have destroyed the homes and tents of hundreds of refugees.

Current Challenges

The situation remains dire. Several pressing challenges continue to worsen the conditions for the Rohingya people:

  1. Impact of Monsoon Rains: Climate change has intensified the severity of seasonal monsoon rains, aggravating the humanitarian crisis in the camps. Flooding and landslides are not only destroying homes but also further destabilizing an already vulnerable population.
  2. Overcrowding: With over 1 million Rohingya refugees spread across 33 camps in Cox’s Bazar, overcrowding remains severe. Many refugees have been forced to construct makeshift shelters on hillsides, leaving them especially vulnerable to landslides and further displacement.
  3. New Arrivals: The latest influx of Rohingya refugees escaping genocidal violence and ethnic cleansing in Burma/Myanmar has exacerbated the crisis. Many of these individuals have survived perilous journeys, with reports of family members drowning or dying from starvation along the way. These refugees are fleeing intensified conflict between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Tatmadaw military, both of whom have targeted Rohingya villages, burning homes and forcibly displacing residents.
  4. Destruction of Homes: Rohingya villages in Rakhine State continue to be targeted, with houses destroyed and residents forced to flee. Those who manage to cross the border into Bangladesh are often women and children relying on the limited resources of the Bangladeshi government.
  5. Living Conditions: Refugees, particularly single mothers with children, are facing extreme shortages of food, clothing and adequate shelter. Bangladesh, already strained by the influx, is struggling to provide essential support, leading to further suffering.

Recommendations for Humanitarian Response

Justice For All recognizes the efforts made by U.N. agencies on the ground. Urgent and expanded measures are needed to prevent further loss of life and to improve the quality of life for these Rohingya refugees. We recommend the following:

  1. Improved Infrastructure:
    • Better land use planning within the camps to minimize the risk of landslides.
    • Construction of protective infrastructure such as retaining walls and drainage systems.
    • Reforestation and enhancement of natural features to mitigate environmental risks.
  2. Community Involvement:
    • Refugees should be included in infrastructure and reforestation efforts, provided they receive the necessary resources and permissions.
  3. Increased Food Assistance:
    • The World Food Programme (WFP) must increase food allocations, particularly for host families supporting new arrivals, to prevent further malnutrition and food insecurity.
  4. Expedited Registration and Shelter:
    • The UNHCR must expedite the registration of new refugees and accelerate the setup of proper shelter, ensuring that no individual is left without protection from the elements.
  5. Funding for Climate Mitigation:
    • The international community, led by the U.N., must prioritize funding for climate adaptation strategies that address the growing impact of monsoon rains and prevent further humanitarian disasters.
  6. U.S. State Department Support:
    • The U.S. State Department should allocate funds specifically for the resettlement of Rohingya refugees and for climate change mitigation efforts in Bangladesh. Diplomatic pressure should be applied to the Bangladeshi government to ensure long-term solutions for both new and existing refugees.

The Rohingya people have endured unimaginable suffering—first in Burman/Myanmar, and now in the camps of Bangladesh. Immediate, coordinated action is required to address their ongoing plight. Their basic human rights must be respected.

Justice For All is a faith-based human rights organization with over thirty years of experience in preventing and addressing the persecution of religious minorities and genocide. Our Burma Task Force, established in 2012, continues to advocate for the Rohingya people in response to the genocidal violence that erupted in 2017. We call on the international community to act swiftly to provide the Rohingya with the support and dignity they deserve.


In addition, Justice For All is engaging the United Nations and press outlets to bring focus on the situation.

The Press Release is at

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